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To survive

kenapa saya belum tidur? (jeling2 jarum jam sudah 2am) 

ahh...biasa..normal for me..

just spend time to think and repair a life.

pembelajaran..itukan kehidupan..

whatever la..just share this piece of someone's mind.

it is about LIFE.

There is a sentence to study;

do not hold a glass with only 3 fingers
hold tightly with all five to minimize the risk of falling/break/drop down.

such as a life, to hold it we should have all five in 'fine' condition to survive.


5-spiritual (kerohanian yang kuat..-iman-)  
4-mental (prepare it to be richness of knowledge)
3-physical (well healhty)
2-emotion (good control of heart/feeling)
1-socialism (having friends/relationship) 

so jari mana yang sangat diperlukan? ibu jari kan? see what is that?
and the rest jari jari tu masing-masing represent tahap keperluannya. 
you study lah sendiri...i pun in learning of myself..

this is not a philosophy to believe
just it can use as basis to learn and understand a life and also our own-self. 

yes la..it is hard to be strong while u forgot to identify the weaknesses..

ok la enough...time to rest...and mimpi indah indah..

bye blog..

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